Sunday 18 April 2010

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our target audience was late teens, this was mainly for the fact that we are in the criteria and we know what does and doesn’t scare us. Moreover, we took into account who are target audience was before and during filming the piece. Each part we planned and filmed, we thought about what our target audience would think of it. We mainly thought about the:
• Age
• Ethnicity
• Gender
of our target audience. We used murder and horror as teenagers love watching those types of films. (as you can see from this trailer) a lot of the time young men take young women to see these types of films as it makes them seem brave.
So we used aspects such as murder and kidnapping because it is a common thing in today’s society and it mainly happens to people around our age and youths generally enjoy watching films which represent real life happenings.

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