Sunday 18 April 2010

'How does your media product represent particular social groups?'

A social group is any set of persons within society that differs from other sets due to demographic, economic or social characteristics such as age, ethnicity, sex, education level, race, religion, income level, lifestyle, beliefs, etc.
Our media production represents the social group of white youths being more sick and twisted in the head than young black youths. As the killer we use in our production is a young white male and is no ordinary killer as he uses a butcher’s knife to kill his victims. This idea also conforms the fact the most famous horror film killers are in fact white males.
Continuing on, Our production, although it does use females as victims, challenges the dominant ideology that most murderers are generally men and that most victims in slasher films are generally females, as the majority of the victims in our piece are men. A film which greatly challenges this dominant ideology is ‘I spit on your grave’.
In this film it is a female murderer and all of the victims are male.
We challenged the ideology that women are more vulnerable than men by making the majority of the victims in our film, males.

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