Sunday 18 April 2010

Looking back on your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

When i first heard about what we had to do for our preliminary task i thought it would be a quick, easy and simple process. I now know that i was very wrong. It was a lot harder than i thought it would be, from seeing it look so simple when other people had done it, to actually attempting it myself, came as a big shock to me. We learned about the main shot types and i thought it would be fairly easy to get shots with them and to get the continuity (reality within the media product) correct. But it took us many takes of each shot to get it how we wanted, both on the preliminary task and the main task.
I have learnt greatly from this that it is not simple and easy to film shots. It takes lots of attempts to get it right and to make it look good. Also i have learnt that if the film looks simply made then you have done well.

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