Sunday 18 April 2010

What kind of Media institution might distribute your media product & why?

As my media production is one in the horror genre, I would use a distributor which specifically works with films in the horror genre. A production company such as Twisted pictures would be a good start as they have done the saw films and many other sick horror films alike. Also as I would like to spread this product world wide I would like to use a company such as Warner Bro’s as they would easily be able to do this.
Furthermore, I would release my product in cinemas and in theatres to greatly advertise my film. The television would help a lot as the cinemas and theatres would want to show the trailer of it to attract viewers to go see it. Once the trailer is on television there would be billboards up around the world and pictures in magazines, posters around everywhere etc. The trailers sometimes show peoples reaction to watching the film, such as paranormal activity. This would greatly attract audiences to see the film as they can see the reactions on people’s faces who are watching it. Also trailers show quotes from news papers and famous people. If people read and trust these newspapers or are inspired or like these famous people then it would urge them to go see the film.

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