Sunday 18 April 2010

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I did already know a bit about some of the technology we used throughout the making of our media production but i have learnt many things.
For example:
• Cameras
i thought it would be very simple to film with the cameras, to get the perfect continuity and angles. But i was very wrong, it looks so simple when you see it on the television, but when it came to actually filming it was very hard to get the angle and continuity correct. It took many attempts to get the shots we needed because of the angle being wrong, an actor corpsing, the length of the shot was too long or short and so on. Almost every shot we did we used a tripod; this was because it kept the camera straight and prevented shaking.
• Adobe premier pro(for capturing and editing video files)
When i first saw this program it looked very complicated to use, i was correct to a point. For what we were doing it was fairly simple, adding in effects and transitions etc. But the further we got into it the harder it was to use. I managed to make one of the titles scroll across screen slowly at one point, but when it came to doing it for the next one I could not remember how i did it and i tried many things. Also even after being showed how to do some things, we found it hard to copy how it was done. When we first loaded up this program we had to use a fire wire to capture the video data on the camera onto the computer, with this i found that the fire wires were very sensitive and it was rare that it would work without having to hold it firmly in the fire wire slot in the computer.
Basically from doing this product i have found that the technology and technique used is alot harder than expected.

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